Give It To Me Straight: A Newsgame About the LGBT Community and the Media
The purpose of this thesis was to undertake the creation of a newsgame to create a new teaching tool for journalism schools to better prepare journalism and mass communication majors for covering minority communities. Give It To Me Straight is a drag-and-drop puzzle newsgame that tasks players with completing real headlines from the past about the LGBT community. The written portion of this thesis analyzes the history of news coverage of gays and lesbians illustrating how the journalism industry readily discriminated against or ignored sexual minorities in the United States. The analysis also includes original research about how Cronkite School students view their role in covering minorities. The results reveal shortfalls in the Cronkite Schools curriculum and raises concerns if it meets the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s standards.
Give It To Me Straight: A Newsgame

Give It To Me Straight: A Newsgame

Example of a game board with pieces.

Players learn about how the media has covered gays and lesbians in the past.

Give It To Me Straight: A Newsgame